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diane m.

Working with Debra, Total Fitness & Nutrition has been a wonderful experience! When my pants started getting too tight and I started reaching for the baggy tops in my closet and I knew it was time to call Debra. I’ve always exercised consistently but my excuse was “but I love to socialize, I love to entertain.” Debra has introduced me to so many healthy, delicious, satisfying and well balanced foods consisting of healthy fats, proteins, complex carbohydrates and the importance of drinking plenty of water. Debra has made me accountable for mindless noshing, taught me simple ways to always be prepared whether at work or on the go as well as keeping my fridge stocked with the right foods. Now 20 pounds down, I feel confident and in control by making the right choices when eating out, cooking, entertaining and even choosing the right cocktails! I can’t thank Debra enough for keeping me motivated, and making a plan that fits my lifestyle!

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amanda b.

When I started my healthy living journey with Debra I thought I had everything figured out with what I was fueling my body with and being a exercise feen. I had a huge wakeup call when I received my first call with Debra and the meal plan I received. I won’t lie it was extremely difficult my first couple of months. I was managing my new healthy lifestyle with friends’ weddings, bachelorette parties, and outings with friends visiting from out of town and being around people that did not have to eat what I had to eat.

Through Debra’s teachings, I quickly learned this was a lifestyle change that would not just benefit me in the short term but for the rest of my life. I was determined to not let the outside world of mine cloud me from getting me to my goals. I made healthy choices by bringing snacks and foods if I was out of town for my friends’ weddings, visiting back home in Western New York or bachelorette parties. I would go for runs or bring some of my at home workouts on the trips. I had a couple of friends that joined me during one of my friend’s bachelorette party by eating some of my meals I had pre-made for the trip or skipping dessert when we had gone out to dinner.

In addition, I feel as though I am more mindful when grocery shopping by reading food labels and reverting back to some of the meals plans to keep me in check. I used to be a huge dessert person but I haven’t craved anything sweet since changing my lifestyle.I can’t thank Debra enough for helping me find back my confidence and self-worth. I honestly feel so much stronger and energized each day. I am more productive and focused in my workouts as well as having more awareness of what foods/nutrients I am putting into my body. I still have two more months to go but still have the willpower and determination.


leslie l.

As a yoga instructor and studio owner, I teach and know that what happens in our lives are basically beyond our control. No matter how carefully we plan our lives, we cannot know how that design will be affected by a single random event. One small detail can and will change everything. Yet there is no such thing as chance, everything happens for a reason. Sometimes called synchronicity, a random occurrence of events that have no connection but are deeply meaningful. And this is how I met Debra Smith and how meeting her impacted and shifted my life deeply. She came into my studio to look at space that I had for rent. She was looking to find space for her nutrition and fitness business. When she came to see the space, she realized it wasn’t going to work for her needs, but we started talking and liked each other immediately, being in similar health and fitness related businesses. I asked her if nutrition was the only thing she did and she said she was also a personal trainer. It just so happened that I was talking to my husband just that week about adding something else to my fitness routine. I needed something in addition to yoga to jump start a change that I was looking for in my body. Although practicing yoga for over 20 years, my body had changed after 50 and I had put on some unwanted pounds that I couldn’t drop. Adding some cardio and weight training was just what I was looking for. So, our relationship started with personal training. Yet the more we met and spoke, the more I was intrigued by Deb’s knowledge of nutrition, diet, health and wellness. In April 2019, I started her six-month nutrition program and made a deeply meaningful shift in my life. Synchronicity! Deb not only gives you a clear understandable meal plan to get you started (which was very easy to follow), but she also explains the reasoning behind the food combinations she suggests. Her advice about hydration and its importance was a clear reminder to me that I was not getting enough water. And by following her plan, I was not hungry, I did not feel deprived of anything and I was satisfied with my food choices. She is very hands on, checking in daily, with encouragement, caring and advice. I found this not only nurturing but also humbling as I had to answer to someone and its just what I needed. She is detail oriented and helps you understand your food choices and your body. Six months later, I have lost 25 pounds, my body shape has changed dramatically, and I haven’t felt this great in years. My yoga practice has benefited from the weight loss and the strength training. I feel good about how I look, and I know that our chance meeting was meant to be and Deb was meant to enter my life and to change it in a meaningful way.


lindsay b.

I started my journey with Total Fitness & Nutrition because I did not believe I had the knowledge or will power to maintain a healthy diet on my own. I always worked out 5-6 days per week, but my sweet tooth has usually gotten the best of me. I simply wasn’t seeing the results I wanted. In working with Debra, I learned what I should be putting in my body and what I should stay away from. I’ve learned many options for healthy and delicious meals and eliminated my intake of the bad stuff. I never thought that I wouldn’t miss eating dairy or gluten! My sweet tooth rarely causes me problems anymore as my self control has increased immensely, too. While I occasionally indulge in cravings, I know it will mean three days of perfect behavior to get back on track. I’m so happy that I began the Total Fitness & Nutrition program because not only do I look better, but I feel better as well! My stomach is settled, and I have tons of energy. A gallon of water each day paired with a clean diet has done me wonders!



When I started with Debra, Total Fitness & Nutrition, my weight was 135 and I just lost a couple pounds after a bad eating weekend away. I had always been a size 6 weighed between 126 and 129, and thought I ate pretty healthy. I’ve been on a diet my entire life and since moving to Long Island, I couldn’t get a handle on my weight. I was happy in all respects of my life except for my weight. I actually bought some size 8’s and was so unhappy with that.

When I met Debra, she asked me me my goal weight. At that point I said I’d be happy at 128 since I seem to be unable to lose any weight and keep it off.
When we first started, I got my first weeks meal plan. It felt like much less food that I normally eat and I had to cook a few things which I was never comfortable with but I was committed to try this new approach. I had to look up how to cook green beans since Debra wouldn't let me eat prepared food, which is what I lived on. It was very hard for me in the beginning because my body was getting rid of sugar in my body. I had to give up my sweetener in my coffee. I had to put lemon on my salad and was very limited when I went out to eat. I kept telling myself this is temporary and after I lose the weight, I’ll go back to the way I did it before.

Very slowly, the weight started coming off and I started getting used to the new way I was eating. It started getting easier and I think I started giving Debra less of a hard time. Debra started giving me some easy recipes and I was open to trying to cook. Our grocery outings together gave me confidence to try new things. I also started learning how to go out to eat and not blow all my hard work in one meal. I started feeling so confident. I almost ended my program a few months early but thankfully I didn’t as I still had more to learn.

I had my wedding on August 31, 2019. When I got engaged a year before I thought I don’t want to be a fat bride. I wasn’t! I was 117.5 pounds on my wedding day and I’ve never felt better!!

I put on a few pounds after the wedding which is fine I am now between 119.5 to 121 and I couldn’t be happier. I am back to wearing a size 4 which I haven’t been in about 15 years. I also don’t have to be so strict and can eat some fun things when I go out. I now know how to balance that out too. And I know come Monday, I Can go right back to my healthy way of eating. It doesn’t feel like a punishment anymore. It feels excellent to eat healthy and try to find easy recipes that I can cook for myself that are delicious. I have a few friends eating my favorite breakfast; banana pancakes, which Debra taught me how to make.
My weight was also such a battle and now I feel like I have won the war. I can’t thank Debra enough for all her knowledge, help and support. It has made a huge difference in my life and I’m forever grateful!!!

I am going to miss my daily contact with Debra but I feel confident that I won’t gain the weight back.

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jennifer f.

It has been an amazing, life-changing experience working with Debra over the last 6 months. With her unwavering support, topic expertise, and consistent guidance, I successfully lost 30+ pounds. This occurred through a pointed change in my lifestyle - my relationship with food evolved from unhealthy to healthy. I'm looking forward to carrying the food skills I learned and the food habits I formed about living a healthy lifestyle well into the future. 

That said, I cannot recommend Debra enough. She was a wonderful partner on an amazing journey in my life, and I am so thankful I found her! 


corinne c.

Debra changed my life, hands down, no questions asked. She sparked a flame inside of me that I didn’t know was there and encouraged me every single day throughout my 6 month journey. I tried previous diets such as weight watchers, intermittent fasting and keto, yet nothing seemed to “work”. After my first phone call with Debra she gave me the tough love and facts I needed to hear to see results. Through my weekly calls and daily check ins with Debra over the past 6 months, I have lost close to 50 pounds! With Debra’s guidance and encouragement, I was able to do something that at one point I never thought was tangible. Debra helped me make small, yet drastic life style changes that showed results both physically and mentally. I am forever grateful for embarking on this journey with her and encourage anyone who is looking to make a lifestyle change to contact her— she just might change your life like she changed mine!